You perceive the world through two lenses. The first is through unconscious beliefs and habituated patterns you’ve adopted since you were born. The second, are the conscious ways you strive for to be the best possible version of yourself. In this part of the training, you will clearly identify both your unconscious patterns and define the optimal beliefs and values you aspire for. After you complete this section, you will be moving through life with a sense of clarity and purpose. Unconscious patterns will no longer hold you hostage.
No parent or family system is perfect. Over the past 100 years the research shows which behavioral patterns work and which one don’t to have a fulfilling life. Human beings are wired for relationships. Yet breaches in early life development can make them harder than they need to be. In this section of the program you will learn how to identify and overcome your core blindspots that derail success in all your relationships.
Sustaining a loving connection requires trust. In this final section of the program, you will learn an integrity formula that gets to the heart of building and maintaining trust with your partner. When a person stays in integrity, it’s like having one domino that knocks over possibly hundreds of other systemic issues that compromise all relationships and even life fulfillment. After this section, you will have a clear path to follow to stay in integrity. You’ll know how to recognize when you’ve drifted off course. And you’ll learn how to get back into integrity with any aspect of your life.
There are certain aspects of our biology that when understood speed the process of change. In this module, I’ll provide radical insights into neuroscience and attachment theory to give you an insider advantage to knowing why you and other people are motivated to do what they do. After watching these videos, you will quickly see more of your life story that is operating under the hood that is derailing or promoting your success. With this knowledge you'll know when to encourage or discourage yourself at your command. It will no longer be a mystery that you can choose how you want to be moment-by-moment.
It’s always surprising to me the number of people who don’t like the situation they are in but are clueless about what it is that they want. You have to take time to learn this about yourself to get the best results. This is your chance to identify where you got "shut down" when you were younger and reclaim it. In this step, I will walk you through how to determine your underlying needs that match with your values. You will also learn the most powerful way to see what you are doing unconsciously that you didn’t realize was previously derailing you.
Learning what healthy responsibility is will change your life paradigm. At the peak of understanding these concepts and practices, you will see that taking responsibility is the gateway to owning how powerful you are and see the realization that you influence all things around you. You will learn to see life as a learning lab and learn to flow with it rather than fight it. Over time, and with practice, you will begin to see how much freedom responsibility gives you. When you feel this kind of freedom there is no room for fear to run the show any longer.
As a book-end to responsibility maintaining integrity and trust is at the heart of self expression. When you express yourself fully you get to your true heart's desire. Living a complete and fulfilling life with your ideal partner requires integrity and trust or your fear mechanism will hold you back. This step in the program will provide you with core practices to embody, so you know exactly when integrity or trust are being tampered with and what to do about it. This module gives you the blueprint for seeing whether you are truly compatible and how to reach the deepest levels of intimacy.
A brand new addition to the line-up… It’s essential to clean up “incompletions” if you want to keep perspective on current challenges. If you are incomplete with old relationships you will project those into your current relationship.
As you might imagine, this is far more difficult to resolve. Old incompletions “leaking” into the current relationship create a toxic environment and makes challenges seem way bigger than what they need to be.
Here are just a few things to look forward to…
- How do I identify in completions from your past
- How to finally reconcile with people and experiences so they stop influencing you in a negative way
- How to get closure to those in completions
- How to make commitment to a new way of being
- How to get back on course when you drift
- How to keep your vibration high
Some people prefer to read about a topic before they dive into the video lessons. Each week you’ll get a specifically designed email to open the lesson, offer insights, and help you frame up how to think about video lessons as you work your way through it. It will keep you motivated and offer you timely insights. ($300 Value)
The Getting Relationship Right system includes a PDF workbook to follow each exercise so you have recorded notes of what is working and what you need help on. You can use this tool like a journal. (no charge)
There is a feedback button on every video-lesson page that keeps me informed and a pulse on what is the program needs further explanation. I regularly monitor this feedback and when needed will offer weekly on-line sessions to clarify concepts, exercises, or how to handle specific situations. (no charge)
For the time being I am offering lifetime updates to the Getting Relationship Right System. Neuroscience, trauma research, attachment theory, other up-and-coming psychological models and my own insights continue to refine my knowledge of the principles and I want to continue to share them with you. It is one of my life goals to create a program that has the potential to change the world. The Getting Relationship Right System is the foundation of that. ($300 a year value)
One of the biggest challenges with integrating any new information is how our brains are wired to like patterns. Until you experience something, you will not know if your pattern is promoting learning or resisting learning. What we know for sure in brain science is our brains can change but you must give it a reason. Learning from others is another way to learn the GRR concepts faster. I encourage you to utilize this private group and save yourself a lot of time and money. ($300 a year value)
I want you to feel secure that if you attend the classes and do the exercises with me, you’re going to get your relationship and life back on track. The point of all of this is to move the needle of your life and get your relationship feeling consistently better.
And you will. But I also have a secure guarantee, just in case you need a little more peace of mind...
Here’s my guarantee: If you go through the Getting Relationship Right course, attend your classes and do your homework, and at the end – 30 days later, you don’t feel like you got immense value, just show me all your homework and exercises so I know you went through the program — and I’ll happily refund your entire tuition and give you all your money back.
In addition to giving your money back, I will let you you keep the entire Getting Relationship Right program, with all of my proven tool, plus all bonuses, completely free… my gift to you just for giving it a try.
Why would I offer a guarantee this strong, and let you go through the entire course at my risk?
Because I want to remove all excuses your mind can come up with. I personally know the gravity of our unconscious mind pulling at us to stay the same and not venture into uncharted waters. So, for some, it can seem like an uneasy risk. That's the mind at work. It predictably doesn't like change. You have to transcend that way of thinking and lean into a leap of faith. Your commitment is what will make this program successful and now that is all that is required.
I can’t think of a more fair and reasonable offer than that.
Ed Ferrigan
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