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What essential communication skills to know to maintain intimacy, harmony, and collaboration

A summary of the hoW TO stop fighting and arguing system

Brought to you by Ed Ferrigan, M.A., CPCC, SEP

What real clients say about Ed's Safe talk process

Curriculum breakdown

Your goal is to listen without reacting. As soon as you openly react, you’ve given up your power. The How To Stop Fighting And Arguing Program will not only show you why you react and teach you how to stop, it will also guide you to being a better decision maker in life.

What Success Is
Before you take action on anything it's a good idea to know what you want. In this section, Ed will show you the fastest way possible to identify and dissolve blind-spots so you are no longer in the dark.
What is commitment? In this section we'll show you how the unconscious influences you away from commitment so you finally get back control of your destination. Goal: Manifest your heart desires.
Beliefs To Adopt
One shortcut to success is to know the beliefs that successful people have. In this section, you'll learn essential beliefs reinforce if you already aspire to them, or to adopt if you need adjustment.
Core Practices
There are several core skills you will need to learn to make this program work for you. Once you gain mastery, you'll see the genius behind them. With practice arguments will be a thing of the past.

Component #1: step-by-step video lessons

Together, these modules will guide you to success. It's kinda like having a communication "playbook" at your fingertips. Use these tools to self navigate and practice regularly so you gain competency. Give yourself time to gain mastery. You can do this...

How To End Arguing And Fighting
What to do when your partner lashes out and maybe even flies into a rage
The #1 way to end the blame game
What to say when their body language doesn’t match their words without triggering them
What to do when you know whatever you say won’t matter
How to hear both sides without the ego getting in the way
How To Get Your Partner To Talk
What to do when your partner lashes out and maybe even flies into a rage
The #1 way to end the blame game
What to say when their body language doesn’t match their words without triggering them
What to do when you know whatever you say won’t matter
How to hear both sides without the ego getting in the way
How To Regroup And Maintain Trust
What to do when your partner lashes out and maybe even flies into a rage
The #1 way to end the blame game
What to say when their body language doesn’t match their words without triggering them
What to do when you know whatever you say won’t matter
How to hear both sides without the ego getting in the way
How To Feel Heard And Validated For Your Point Of View
How to get them to beg you for your opinion
How to not be “attached” to them valuing your opinion and how it causes them to want your point of view
Key secrets to framing your conversation so you feel heard and valued
How to pick the right time to talk so you feel heard
How To Interrupt Your Knee Jerk Reaction And Not Feed It
Learn the #1 technique that will vaporize arguments in under a minute
What to do to break any “knee jerk reactions” so you don’t get “hooked”
The body signals to pay attention to before you say anything
“The Watchtower Practice” - a simple daily practice that guarantees you’ll catch yourself before you say something you’ll regret
Core Couples Communication Practices
Discover ways to share without triggering knee jerk responses that spiral out​
What to look for in yourself that is contributing to the negative outcome you never thought to consider​
The “4-Step awareness process” that stops arguments dead in their tracks​
How to effectively explore the meaning they have on something you disagree with​

Component #2: supplemental weekly email training

Integrate each video with a weekly prep email describing the situation and how to apply what will be in the next video. It tees up the next lesson in a way you are eager to watch, practice the lesson, and know how to apply it. Each week you’ll get a specifically designed email to open the lesson, offer insights, and help you frame up how to think about the video as you work your way through it. It will keep you motivated and offer you timely insights. ($150 Value)

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Component #3: workbook

Along with the video and emails you will have a PDF workbook to follow each exercise so you have recorded notes of what is working and what you need help on. (no charge)

image of course workbook

Component #4: feedback systems

There is a feedback button on every video-lesson page that keeps me informed and a pulse on what is the program needs further explanation. I regularly monitor this feedback and when needed will offer weekly on-line sessions to clarify concepts, exercises, or how to handle specific situations. (no charge)

image of feedback system feature

Component #5: lifetime updates

For the time being I am offering lifetime updates to the How To Stop Fighting And Arguing System. Neuroscience, trauma research, attachment theory, other up-and-coming psychological models and my own insights continue to refine my knowledge of the principles and I want to continue to share them with you. It is one of my life goals to create a program that has the potential to change the world. The How To Stop Fighting And Arguing System is the foundation of that. ($300 a year value)

image of lifetime update feature

Component #6: private discussion groups

One of the biggest challenges with integrating any new information is how our brains are wired to like patterns. Until you experience something, you will not know if your pattern is promoting learning or resisting learning. What we know for sure in brain science is our brains can change but you must give it a reason. Learning from others is another way to learn the HTSFA concepts faster. I encourage you to utilize this private group and save yourself a lot of time and money. ($300 a year value)

image of a woman online in the class portal

What clients have said

Our guarantee

image of our guarantee

Here is what to do next…

image of our program

Click the button below to get started and within a few minutes you’ll have access to the How To Stop Fighting And Arguing program.

© Copyright 2025 Great Life Blueprints, LLC Creators of the Relationships Made Easier program